Seedless Type
Showing all 3 results
Watermelon S-WM040036
Weight: 4-6 kg
Shape: round
Flesh: red, crisp and sweet
Fruit: green strips on the light green rind
Maturity: 72-75 days after sowing
Remarks: watermelon, seedless, crimson sweet type, early, good fruit-setting
Watermelon S-WM53
Weight: 8-10 kg
Shape: high round
Flesh: bright pink red, juicy and sweet
Fruit: light green with deep green stripes rind
Maturity: 85-90 days after sowing
Remarks: watermelon, seedless type, medium early, vigorous growth, good for long transportation
Watermelon S4170
Weight: 6-8 kg
Shape: round
Flesh: red, crisp flesh
Fruit: This hybrid Crimson Sweet seedless watermelon provides early fruits and good fruit-setting. Fruit has deep green strips on the light green rind
Maturity: 72-75 days from sowing
Remarks: watermelon, Seedless type